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- Cobb Homeless Alliance PIT Count
- Pierre Point Du Jour

CoC's are assigned several responsibilities by HUD. One of them is to conduct a count of all homeless persons in the geographic jurisdiction (Cobb County) on one night during the last 10 days of January. This is commonly called a Point in Time Count. We have chosen Thursday, January 25th as our PIT night. In addition to simply counting the homeless, we conduct a short, approximately 3-minute survey with as many of the homeless as possible to gather demographics and more detailed characteristics about the homeless population.
PIT counts provide a snapshot of the homeless in the area and help communities:
• Gain a better understanding of the number and types of homeless individuals and families in our community
• Identify the number of individuals and families in need of various types of shelter
• Determine the capacity of our system to meet the need for shelter and supporting services
• Provide a basis for allocating limited resources to meet the needs of the homeless
This year we will be conducting a count of all persons in shelters as well as unsheltered persons living on the street, in camp sites, etc. on the night of January 25th.
Volunteers are needed to conduct these surveys and canvas designated geographic areas in order to interview as many people as possible. Training for PIT Count volunteers will be scheduled earlier in January.
PIT counts provide a snapshot of the homeless in the area and help communities:
• Gain a better understanding of the number and types of homeless individuals and families in our community
• Identify the number of individuals and families in need of various types of shelter
• Determine the capacity of our system to meet the need for shelter and supporting services
• Provide a basis for allocating limited resources to meet the needs of the homeless
This year we will be conducting a count of all persons in shelters as well as unsheltered persons living on the street, in camp sites, etc. on the night of January 25th.
Volunteers are needed to conduct these surveys and canvas designated geographic areas in order to interview as many people as possible. Training for PIT Count volunteers will be scheduled earlier in January.
hours pledged65