The Center for Family Resources has 11 apartment units within the Cobb County area that serve as our Short-Term Housing (shelter for homeless families). Children and their family may stay in the apartment for 30-45 days while working to secure permanent housing. Quarterly we update all units with new mattresses and do minor maintenance to help keep the units as comfortable as possible. Historically, our Short-Term Housing Manager has maintained the units; however, since growing the number of apartment units from 5 units to 12 units; we need additional help to ensure all the apartments get regular TLC.
Below is a list of small jobs that may be needed in each apartment unit.
• Changing out mattresses
• Wiping down air vents
• Wiping down window frames/walls/baseboards
• Mopping Floors
• Shampooing Carpet/ wiping down upholstery
• Making sure handles/closet doors are secure
• Tightening up furniture that may be loose.

In Support of The Center for Family Resources
We are a Cobb County-based organization that works exclusively to serve local children and their families that are either homeless or in danger of becoming homeless. We provide tailored, long term supportive services to our clients. Our vision is for children and their families to experience improved stability through reduced homelessness, empowerment, and pathways that support their success.